Sébastien Lechevalier
Sébastien Lechevalier
International Senior Fellow
Professor at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS, Paris)
President of Fondation France Japon
2013 | University Paris 1, Habilitation à diriger les recherches |
2003 | EHESS, Ph.D., Economics |
1997 | EHESS, M.S., Economics |
2016-Present | Professor of EHESS |
2013-2017 | Director of the French consortium of Asian Studies (CNRS) |
2005-2016 | Associate Professor of EHESS |
2017-2018 | Visiting Professor of Doshisha University |
2013 | Visiting researcher of Kyoto University, KIER |
2007-2008 | Visiting Researcher of Hitotsubashi University, Institute for Economic Research (IER) |
2006 | Visiting Researcher of Tokyo University, Faculty of Economics |
2005-2008 | Researcher of Maison Franco-Japonaise, Tokyo |
• Innovation beyond technology: Science for society and interdisciplinary approaches, Springer, 2019
• The great transformation of Japanese capitalism, Routledge, 2014 (Japanese version 「日本資本主義の大転換」from Iwanami Shoten, 2015).
• “Financialization and industrial policies in Japan and Korea: Evolving complementarities and loss of state capabilities” (with P. Debanes and W. Shin) in Structural Change and Economic Dynamics (Special Issue “Frontiers of industrial policy: structures, institutions, and policies”, co-edited by A. Andreoni, H.-J. Chang & R. Scazzieri), 2019, Volume 48: 69-85.
• “Firm-Level Labor Demand for and Macroeconomic Increases in Non-Regular Workers in Japan” (with H. Teruyama & Y. Goto), Japan & The World Economy, Volume 48, December 2018.
• “Abenomics: has it worked? Will it ultimately fail?” (with B. Monfort), Japan Forum, Volume 29, Issue 4, 2017.
• “Japanese political economy revisited: diverse corporate change, institutional transformation, and Abenomics” (with D. Chiavacci) in Japan Forum (Special Issue co-edited by D. Chiavacci & S. Lechevalier), 2017, Volume 29, Issue 3: pp 299-311.
• “Globalization and labor market outcomes: de-industrialization, job security, and wage inequalities”, (Editor of the special issue) Review of World Economics on 2015, Volume 151 (3).
• “Diversity in patterns of industry evolution: how an “intrapreneurial” regime contributed to the emergence of the service robot industry in Japan” (with C. Storz & J. Nishimura) in Research policy (Special Section “The path¬dependent dynamics of emergence and evolution of new industries”, co-edited with J. Krafft, F. Quatraro & C. Storz), 2014, Volume 43, Issue 10: 1716–1729.
• “Bringing Asia into the Comparative Capitalism Perspective” (Co-editor with B. Amable, S. Casper & C. Storz of the special issue) Socio Economic Review on, April 2013, Volume 11, issue 2.
• “Wage and Productivity Differentials in Japan. The role of Labor Market Mechanisms” (with Y. Kalantzis, & R. Kambayashi), Labour: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, 2012, Volume 26, Issue 4: 514-541.
• “Investigating Collaborative R&D Using Patent Data: The Case Study of Robot Technology in Japan”, (with Y. Ikeda & J. Nishimura), Managerial and Decision Economics, 2011, Volume 32, Issue 5: 305-323.
• “Inter-firm heterogeneity: nature, sources and consequences for industrial dynamics. An introduction” (with G. Dosi & A. Secchi), Industrial and Corporate Change, 2010, Volume 19, Issue 6: 1867–1890 (Special issue edited by G. Dosi, S. Lechevalier and A. Secchi).
• “Why some firms persistently out-perform others? Investigating the interactions between innovation and exporting strategies” (with K. Ito), Industrial and Corporate Change, 2010, Volume 19, Issue 6: 1997–2039 (Special issue edited by G. Dosi, S. Lechevalier and A. Secchi).
• “The effect of participation in government consortia on the R&D productivity of firms: A case study of robot technology in Japan”, (with Y. Ikeda & J. Nishimura), Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 2010, Volume 19, Issue 8: 669–692.
• “The Evolution of the Productivity Dispersion of Firms - A reevaluation of its determinants in the case of Japan”, (with K. Ito), Review of World Economics, 2009, Volume 145, Number 3: 405-429.