Kunihiko MIYAKE

Kunihiko MIYAKE

Research Director

Visiting Professor, Ritsumeikan University
President, the Foreign Policy Institute
[Research Themes]
Security and international politics studies for resolution of new social issues
Enhancing dissemination of Japan's views and information to other countries, and international networking
Assessment and analysis of long-term strategic trend in East Asia
Study on policy simulation


  • Foreign Affairs, National Security



'Hawkins of Arabia'


Who Lost Iraq?


At Noon in Tunisia


ASEAN and Japan


Trust Korean Style?


Japan-U.S. 2+2>4

Working papers, Papers and Reports

Event Reports



1978 Graduated from the Law Faculty of the University of Tokyo


2023.11 - present Board Member and Special Advisor, CIGS
2020.10 - 2024.10 Special Advisor to the Cabinet (Suga and Kishida administrations)
2009.04 - 2023.10 Research Director, The Canon Institute for Global Studies
2006 - 2007 Exective Assistant to Mrs. Akie Abe in the Office of the Prime Minister of Japan.
2007 - present Visiting Professor, Ritsumeikan University
2005 - present President, the AOI Foreign Policy Institute
2004.07 Deputy Director-General of Middle East Bureau, MOFA
2004.01 Minister at the Embassy of Japan in Iraq and Japan’s Representative to the CPA
2000.09 Minister at the Embassy of Japan in China
1998.08 Director of the Japan-US. Security Treaty Division, MOFA
1998.01 Director of the First Middle East Division, MOFA
1996.07 Director of the Second Middle East Division, MOFA
1978.04 Joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA)