Report  Foreign Affairs and National Security  2017.09.13

"The 25th Policy Simulation: The New Great Game in Eurasia: Eradicating IS and Dealing with Frequent Concurrent Crises" Summary Report and Assessment



Canon Institute for Global Studies (CIGS) held the 25th CIGS Policy Simulation "The New Great Game in Eurasia: Eradicating IS and Dealing with Simultaneous Frequent Crises" from Saturday April 22nd to Sunday April 23rd, 2017. This simulation hypothesized the international situation of five years after the current date, of April 2022, to simulate how Russia, Iran, and China would respond to political, economic, and military crises unfolding simultaneously in the eastern periphery (Northeast Asia), inland (Central Asia), and the western periphery (the Baltic states) of Eurasia, as well as the kinds of diplomacy thatmajor countries like the US, Japan, and the EU would develop. At the same time, we examined the state of Japan's policies toward China and Russia within this kind of Great Game.

About 50 active public officials, researchers, businesspeople, and journalists participated in this simulation, and many lessons and issues were brought up over the course of the two-day practicum/exercise. The simulation teams and players were set as follows: the Russian Federation (president, prime minister, foreign minister, defense minister, chief of staff of the military, etc.); Iran (supreme leader, president, foreign minister, defense minister, Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, etc.); the US (president, secretary of state, secretary of defense, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, assistants to the president aides, etc.); China (president, foreign minister, defense minister, chief of staff of the military, etc.); Japan (prime minister, foreign minister, defense minister, national security advisor, etc.); and the media (international media, Japanese media, etc.). The game controller supervised the progress of the entire simulation, and was also played the roles of the Genkystan Republic (a fictional country in Central Asia), the United Nations, NATO/EU, and organizations related to ISIS. ...

"The 25th Policy Simulation: The New Great Game in Eurasia: Eradicating IS and Dealing with Frequent Concurrent Crises" Summary Report and Assessment