イベント開催報告  財政・社会保障制度

Jeffrey Braithwaiteセミナー 「世界60か国の医療改革成功事例」

2018年4月12日(木) 15:30 ~ 17:30 開催
会場:キヤノングローバル戦略研究所 会議室3

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題目: 世界60か国の医療改革成功事例
発表者: ジェフリー・ブライスウェイト(マッコーリー大学(オーストラリア)教授、キヤノングローバル戦略研究所 International Senior Fellow)
モデレーター: 松山 幸弘(キヤノングローバル戦略研究所 研究主幹)


松山 幸弘 発表資料PDF:730KB
Jeffrey Braithwaite 発表資料
「A Summary of the Information Gained from the 60 Countries Book」PDF:2.76MB
「Health Reform in Australia」PDF:3.63MB


Jeffrey Braithwaite教授が中心となり世界60か国の医療政策研究者・政策担当者の協力を得て、2017年8月に「Health Systems Improvement Across the Globe: Success Stories from 60 Countries」(CRC Press)を出版した。本セミナーでは、Braithwaite教授が世界の医療改革の最新事情を解説すると同時に、オーストラリアにおける医療分野でのAIやビッグデータの活用、オーストラリア政府が進めているPersonal Health Record事業、病院報酬体系等についても講演する。

Jeffrey Braithwaite
Professor Jeffrey Braithwaite is a leading health services and systems researcher with an international reputation for his work investigating and contributing to systems improvement. He has particular expertise in the culture and structure of acute settings, leadership, management and change in health sector organisations, quality and safety in healthcare, accreditation and surveying processes in international context and the restructuring of health services. Professor Braithwaite is well known for bringing management and leadership concepts and evidence into the clinical arena and he has published extensively (more than 630 refereed contributions, and 800 total publications) about organisational, social and team approaches to care which has raised the importance of these in Australia and internationally. He has presented at or chaired international and national conferences, workshops, symposia and meetings on more than 890 occasions, including over 80 keynote addresses. He is the recipient of 31 awards, including the prestigious Health Services Research Award by Research Australia in 2015 and multiple Editor's Choice awards for papers published in International Journal for Quality in Health Care.