イベント開催報告 エネルギー・環境
~ 16:00
会場:東京大学弥生講堂 一条ホール
Geo-engineering technology, or Solar Radiation Management, has been proposed as a potential technological solution to climate change. One of the techniques is to cool down the earth by injecting sulfur particles into a high layer of atmosphere. It may provide the opportunity to control greenhouse effect in a short period of time at cheap costs.
Carbon Capture, Utilize and Storage (CCUS) is another group of technology that captures CO2 from either flue gas or the atmosphere in order to utilize or store underground. Prof. David Keith has been developing a process that absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere and synthesizes with hydrogen, thereby providing carbon neutral fuel.
Prof. David Keith, a leading scholar in R&D and promoter of the above technologies, will present the current status and future outlook. The panelists, with the audience, will share the latest information and discuss the benefits, costs and risks and consider the research, development and risk management strategy of the technologies.
以下はシンポジウムの概要を、当研究所 研究主幹 杉山 大志の文責において、デビット・キース氏より説明があった直接空気回収技術(Direct Air Capture, DAC)およびソーラージオエンジニアリング(Solar Geoengineering)について、まとめたものである。
シンポジウム要旨PDF: 556KB