レポート  エネルギー・環境  2018.09.03

CIGS エネルギー環境セミナー "U.S. Energy and Climate Policy: the status, opportunities and challenges in the second year of the Trump Administration" - 講演要旨

 キヤノングローバル戦略研究所(CIGS)は2018年7月3日に、the Center for Strategic and International Studies(CSIS)のJane Nakano氏を招き、CIGSエネルギー環境セミナーを開催しました(モデレーター:段烽軍主任研究員)。これは同セミナーの「講演要旨(日本語)」です。

The U.S. energy system is undergoing a dynamic transition. Oil and gas production continues to increase in the United States, turning the country into a major exporter of these hydrocarbon resources. Also, its electricity sector sees a big shift in fuel mix, pressuring the economics of power generation from coal and nuclear. What do these changes mean against the backdrop of the Trump Administration's energy agenda in its second year? How do they interact with developments in other major policy areas, such as trade and sanctions? Nakano's talk will present a concise update on U.S. energy production and export situation today, and consider key external and internal factors that can affect the future course of U.S. energy and climate policy.

講演要旨PDF: 338KB

CIGS エネルギー環境セミナー "U.S. Energy and Climate Policy: the status, opportunities and challenges in the second year of the Trump Administration"