イベント開催報告  外交・安全保障

CIGS ダニエル C. スナイダー & 宮家邦彦 ダイアローグ 「The 2nd. U.S.-North Korea Summit talks」

2019年3月4日(月) 16:00 ~ 17:30 開催
会場:キヤノングローバル戦略研究所 会議室

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題目:「The 2nd. U.S.-North Korea Summit talks」
登壇者:ダニエル・C・スナイダー(Lecturer, International Policy at Stanford University)
     宮家 邦彦(キヤノングローバル戦略研究所 研究主幹)

ProgramPDF: 149KB

United States President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un are set to meet in Hanoi, Vietnam on Feb 27 and 28. While North Korea has refrained from testing missiles or nuclear devices since the two leaders met in Singapore, June last year, has the Hanoi Summit yielded any further progress in the accomplishing the goal of "denuclearization"? What are the implications of the outcome of the Hanoi Summit for security in Northeast Asia and for Japan? Mr. Sneider and Mr. Miyake will discuss this topic freely in a dialogue format.

Daniel C. Sneider(ダニエル・C・スナイダー)
Daniel C. Sneider is a Lecturer in International Policy at Stanford University. He was previously the Associate Director for Research at the Asia Pacific Research Center at Stanford, where he directed the Center's Divided Memories and Reconciliation project, a comparative study of the formation of wartime historical memory in East Asia. He is currently a Visiting Researcher at the Canon Institute for Global Studies in Tokyo, where he is working on a diplomatic history of the creation and management of the U.S. security alliances with Japan and South Korea during the Cold War. Sneider is the co-author of a book on wartime memory and elite opinion, Divergent Memories, from Stanford University Press. His writings frequently appear in major publications including The New York Times, The Washington Post, Slate, The Christian Science Monitor, Yale Global, The National Interest, International Economy, Toyo Keizai and The Asahi Shimbun. He is a former foreign correspondent for The Christian Science Monitor who served in Japan, India, and the former Soviet Union, and covered U.S. politics and elections for the Monitor and the San Jose Mercury News.

キヤノングローバル戦略研究所 研究主幹、立命館大学 客員教授。1978年東京大学法学部卒業後、外務省入省。カイロ、バグダッド、ワシントン、北京にて大使館勤務。本省では、外務大臣秘書官、中東第二課長、中東第一課長、日米安保条約課長、中東局参事官などを歴任。2005年、外務省退職後、株式会社外交政策研究所を設立。2006年立命館大学客員教授。2006-07年安倍内閣「公邸連絡調整官」として首相夫人を補佐。2009年4月よりCIGS研究主幹(外交安保)。