イベント開催報告 国際交流
~ 16:30
会場:キヤノングローバル戦略研究所 会議室3
題目: 「世界経済発展の諸問題について ‐ ロシアから見た量的緩和などの欧米諸国の金融政策の評価 ‐」
発表者: ミハイル・ハジン
(Mikhail Khazin, Russian economist and President of Mikhail Khazin Economic Research Foundation)
モデレーター: 小手川 大助(キヤノングローバル戦略研究所 研究主幹)
ProgramPDF: 487KB
講演要旨PDF: 287KB発表概要
(1) 発展の基礎モデルとしての米ドルの量的緩和
(2) 市場の拡大と負債の増大
(3) 2008年の金融危機と量的緩和による対応策の効果
(4) 構造危機とドル体制(ブレットン・ウーズ)の崩壊に関わる諸問題。新しい通貨圏
Mikhail Khazin(ミハイル・ハジン)
Mikhail Khazin was born on May 5, 1962. He received his education at Yaroslavl State University and Moscow State University, and specialises in probability theory and mathematical statistics. In 1984, he started working for the USSR Academy of Sciences, addressing the issues of mathematical model of molecular processes (molecular dynamics).
In 1989, he was employed by the Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies within the USSR State Committee for Statistics.
Since 1993, Mikhail Khazin had been in the public service. From 1995 to 1997, he held the post of Chief of the Department of Credit Policy of the Ministry of Economy. From 1997 to 1998 he served as Deputy chief of the Economic Department of the President of the Russian Federation. Since 1998, he has been working as a professional consultant, being the director of a number of consulting and research organizations.
In 2003, he published, in co-authorship with A. Kobyakov, the book «The decline of the dollar empire and the end of "Pax Americana"» which proved that the forthcoming economic crisis is connected with exhaustion of the model for expansion of the global dollar-based system and its inevitable disintegration into a number of regional systems (currency zones). Mikhail Khazin is the author and co-author of a large number of books and publications dedicated to the current economic crisis.
Since 2015, he has been the founder and president of Mikhail Khazin Economic Research Foundation.