イベント開催報告  国際交流

Esko Ahoセミナー 「最隣国フィンランドからみる2018年のロシア、その将来-次期プーチン政権が目指すもの、対ロシアビジネスの行方」

2018年1月25日(木) 9:30 ~ 11:00 開催
会場:キヤノングローバル戦略研究所 会議室3

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発表者:Esko Aho, Former Prime Minister of Finland (1991-1995)
(Executive Chairman of the Board, East Office of Finnish Industries and Finnish-Russian Chamber of Commerce)
モデレーター:小手川 大助(キヤノングローバル戦略研究所 研究主幹)


 今回お招きしたEsko Aho元首相(1991-95)は、SITRA(政府系テクノロジー投資ファンド)総裁、NOKIA副社長等を歴任、現在はフィンランドの対ロシア進出企業による経済団体"East Office"の取締役会議長を務め、フィンランドとロシアの経済関係のさらなる拡大に取り組んでおられます。
  1) 再選が確実視されるプーチン大統領が目指すロシアの将来
  2) 対ロシアビジネスの行方
  3) フィンランドのロシアビジネス -その成功の秘密
  4) 日本へのインプリケーション

Esko Aho is the Executive Chairman of the Board at East Office of Finnish Industries, a non-profit company of 25 leading Finnish corporations. East Office works to support the activities of its member corporations in the Russian market and promote Finnish industrial companies as partners for Russian firms seeking to increase their own domestic and global reach. Mr. Aho also chairs the board of Finnish-Russian Chamber of Commerce (FRCC) and the joint board of directors of Business Team for Russia, a partnership between the FRCC, East Office, Finland Chamber of Commerce and the Confederation of Finnish Industries EK. In addition, he is Consultative Partner at Nokia. Mr. Aho's other domestic and international activities are coordinated through his private consulting company Verbatum Oy.
Mr. Aho enjoyed a distinguished career in Finnish politics, including the post of Prime Minister from 1991 to 1995. He was a Member of the Finnish Parliament for 20 years, from 1983 to 2003. He chaired the Centre Party from 1990 to 2002, and was elected Prime Minister in 1991 at the age of 36, making him the youngest PM in Finland's history. Under his leadership, Finland joined the European Union. Mr. Aho was awarded the Grand Cross of the White Rose of Finland in 1992.