イベント開催報告  国際交流

CIGSラウンドテーブルディスカッション「China's National Security Strategy of Peaceful Coexistence」開催報告

2014年2月13日(木) 10:00 ~ 12:00 開催
会場:キヤノングローバル戦略研究所 会議室3

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(左からDr. Liselotte Odgaard、栗原氏)

Dr. Liselotte Odgaard 発表資料 (英語)
Presentation by Dr. Liselotte OdgaardPDF:302KB

題目: "China's National Security Strategy of Peaceful Coexistence"
発表者: Dr. Liselotte Odgaard (リズロテ・オスガード)
Associate Professor, Institute for Strategy, Royal Danish Defence College, Copenhagen, Denmark
モデレーター: キヤノングローバル戦略研究所 研究主幹 栗原 潤

Peaceful coexistence is China's overarching foreign policy concept that guides China's interactions with other actors in the pursuit of its interests. The objective of coexistence is to allow China to continue its economic, social and military modernization process without jeopardizing relations with other states by allowing for different interpretations of the principles of international conduct. Coexistence engenders change in the status quo in two senses. First, China's continued modernization process involves a change in the regional balance of power in China's favour. Second, peaceful coexistence seeks to apply some of the traditional Chinese concepts of mediation rather than adversarial judicial resolution of problems as practiced in Western judicial systems. Therefore, it allows for different interpretations of international law and compromises instead of one universal interpretation and a winner/loser outcome. The seminar discussed to what extent China applied this coexistence strategy in its global security policy and in Asia and what the consequences were for peace and stability.