キヤノングローバル戦略研究所(CIGS)は2017年1月19日に、米国のウィークリーニュースマガジン、Executive Intelligence Reviewのチーフエディター、Jeffrey Steinberg氏のセミナーを開催しました(モデレーター:小手川大助研究主幹)。これは同セミナーの「発表要旨・質疑応答(日本語)」です。
In this seminar, Mr. Jeffrey Steinberg discussed the following questions.
Who are the constituencies of Trump?
Who are total losers of the election?
Is the Hillary in 2008 different from the Hillary in 2016? What was the hidden background of 2008 election?
What are priority issues for Trump and constituencies?
Are the issues such as Obamacare, TPP, Climate Change and burden sharing of US base abroad not priority issues?
What are evaluations of appointee of new cabinet?
Will the policy regarding Russia be changed?
Will the policy regarding China be changed?
What change(s) is expected US policy on Middle East?
Jeffrey Steinberg氏セミナー "The real story of the victory of Trump: from the eyes of grass roots political activists who had envisaged it"