イベント開催報告 グローバルエコノミー
会場:専修大学 / キヤノングローバル戦略研究所
●日 時: 2016年11月4日(土) 15:30-17:30
●場 所: キヤノングローバル戦略研究所第3会議室
●発表者: Miguel León-Ledesma
●タイトル: "Fundamental shock selection in DSGE models" (with Filippo Ferroni and Stefano Grassi)
●アブストラクト: DSGE models are typically estimated assuming the existence of certain structural shocks that drive macroeconomic fluctuations. We analyze the consequences of introducing non-fundamental shocks for the estimation of DSGE model parameters and propose a method to select the structural shocks driving uncertainty. We show that forcing the existence of non-fundamental structural shocks produces a downward bias in the estimated internal persistence of the model. We then show how these distortions can be reduced by allowing the covariance matrix of the structural shocks to be rank deficient using priors for standard deviations whose support includes zero. The method allows us to accurately select fundamental shocks and estimate model parameters with precision. Finally, we revisit the empirical evidence on an industry standard medium-scale DSGE model and find that government, price, and wage markup shocks are non-fundamental.
第42回(DSGE Workshopと共催)
●日 時: 2016年9月17日(土) 14:00-17:20
●場 所: 専修大学7号館773教室
●発表者1: 中園善行(横浜市立大学)
タイトル: "Federal Reserve Information by Forecasting Horizon" (with Hibiki Ichiue)
●発表者2: 山田克宣(近畿大学)
タイトル: "Difference or Ratio: Implication of Status Preference on Stagnation" (with Yoshiyasu Ono)
第41回(DSGE Workshopと共催)
●日 時: 2016年5月21日(土) 15:00-17:00
●場 所: 専修大学1号館46教室
●発表者: 山田知明(YAMADA, Tomoaki)明治大学
●タイトル: "TFP Growth, Monetary Policy, and Inequality in Japan" (with Nao Sudo)
●アブストラクト: In this paper, we construct quarterly series of income and consumption inequality indices from the 1980s to 2000s and estimate how they react to a shock to TFP and conventional monetary policy using the local linear projection. Our empirical findings are summarized in the four points. (i) A favorable shock to TFP and to the short-term interest rate both increases income and consumption inequality indices. (ii) Both shocks affect a distribution at the bottom more than that at the top. (iii) For both shocks, "heterogeneous earning channel" seems to play an important. (iv) For both shocks, less than 50% of income inequality is transmitted to consumption inequality. Using a dynamic general equilibrium model with heterogeneous agents, we discuss implications of our empirical results to nature of linkage between macroeconomic shocks and inequality.
第40回(経済理論・政策ワークショップ (Economic Theory and Policy Workshop)と共催)
●日 時: 2016年3月18日(金) 14:45-18:00
●場 所: キヤノングローバル戦略研究所第3会議室
●発表者1: 中村大輔(NAKAMURA, Daisuke) 内閣府
タイトル: 内生的成長を導入したDSGEモデルによる長期制約の検証(仮題)
●発表者2: 渡辺 誠(WATANABE, Makoto), VU University Amsterdam, Tinbergen Institute
タイトル: "Understanding the Role of Public Employment Services: Theory and Empirical Evidence" (with Christian Holzner)
Abstract:Using the German Job Vacancy Survey we are able to show how the Public Employment Services (PES) affect the labor market. Almost half of all vacancies in Germany are registered with the PES. The PES is shown to distribute workers more evenly among vacancies compared to the private market. Applicants send by the PES are on average less suited for the job than applicants attracted through the private market. The less suited pool of applicants and the reduction in coordination frictions is going along with lower wages paid by registered firms. We rationalize our empirical findings using a directed search model, where firms can decide whether to search via the PES or the private market. Lower coordination frictions in the PES induce less wage competition between firms enabling them to pay lower wages. The implicit cost of registering a vacancy is due to the less suited pool of applicants and explains why not all vacancies are registered with the PES despite the fact that its service is free of charge.