レポート  外交・安全保障  2019.01.04

ダニエル・スナイダー セミナー「The U.S. Midterm Elections: What happened and what it means for U.S. foreign policy」- 講演要旨・質疑応答要旨


The U.S. midterm election on November 6th may be the most consequential in modern American political history. At present the Republican Party controls the Presidency, both house of Congress, and two-thirds of the state governorships. Despite this, the administration of President Donald Trump is embroiled in constant controversy and facing a legal investigation that could challenge its legitimacy. If the Democratic Party is able to make significant gains in the midterm elections, even to regain control of one or more of the houses of Congress, it will mark a turning point in his presidency. Alternately, if the Republicans survive this challenge, it will strengthen the Trump presidency. What message did voters send on November 6th? And what will this mean for U.S. foreign policy and for policy toward Northeast Asia - Japan, China, and Korea - in particular?

講演要旨PDF: 347KB
質疑応答要旨PDF: 318KB

ダニエル・C・スナイダー セミナー 「The U.S. Midterm Elections: What happened and what it means for U.S. foreign policy」