レポート  外交・安全保障  2018.05.25

ダニエル・スナイダー セミナー「Managing Japan-U.S. Relations in the Era of Donald Trump」- 講演要旨・質疑応答要旨

 キヤノングローバル戦略研究所(CIGS)は2018年3月23日に、米国のスタンフォード大学の東アジア研究の講師であるDaniel C. Sneider氏のセミナーを開催しました(モデレーター:宮家邦彦研究主幹)。これは同セミナーの「講演要旨・質疑応答要旨(日本語)」です。

The Japan-U.S. security alliance remains one of the great triumphs of the Cold War period. It has retained its vitality and its purpose, despite tectonic changes in the global order in the last few decades. But it is dangerous to be complacent about the alliance. There are serious challenges and stresses to the underlying purpose and operation of the alliance today. Some of them are long-term and geo-strategic - not least the rise of China and its bid for regional hegemony and the destabilizing impact of North Korea's nuclear and missile capability. But there are also the challenges that arise from the emergence of an American nationalist populism that has rejected the post-war system of multilaterally governed free trade and collective security. What does this mean for Japan and the U.S. today and in coming years?


ダニエル・スナイダー セミナー「Managing Japan-U.S. Relations in the Era of Donald Trump」