Event Report  International Exchange

Paul Goldstein Seminar "The North Korean Strategic Dilemma"

October 31, 2017, 15:00 - 17:00
Venue: CIGS Meeting Room3

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(Mr. Goldstein, Mr. Kotegawa from the left)

Seminar outline
Title:"The North Korean Strategic Dilemma"
Speaker: Paul Goldstein, President and Chief Executive Officer, Pacific Tech Bridge (PTB)
Moderator: Daisuke Kotegawa, Research Director, CIGS


Presentation by Mr. GoldsteinPDF:485KB

Summary of speech and Q&A
Summary of speechPDF:208KB
Summary of Q&APDF:285KB

Abstract of the Speech
China is not going to be the dominant power economically and militarily. North Korea is the catalyst for changing the geopolitical dynamic of NE Asia. US-Japan-ROK trilateral agreement and deployment of joint aerial, missile defense, and improved Japan-ROK relationship poses a new geopolitical challenge to China. Sino-Russian partnership does not necessarily converge on North Korea. Kim Jong Un is challenging China and the governance of Xi Jinping.
The last 3 missile and nuclear tests were conducted when Xi met Trump in April at Mar a Largo; In May, One Belt One Road May Summit/Xi keynote; BRICs Summit Xiamen. Kim is operating as a complete rogue state, but Iran is not such state and is more sophisticated and understands the international system.
US has 12 War Plans and 12 Diplomatic Solutions. US is prepared to go to war if Kim acts irrationally by attacking Guam or US homeland. Japan's role is changing and its strategic importance is growing. US-Japan relations are deepening and the strategic importance of the UK will also change because of Brexit.

Speaker's profile
Paul Goldstein
1967-1971: Indiana State University, History and Political Science
1974-1982: Journalist and analyst for the Executive Intelligence Review, a political intelligence journal. Studied and held seminars the role of political economy-Called the American System of Political Economy. Lived in Wiesbaden, Germany. Worked in West Germany, France, Italy and Brussels.
1982-present: Political/Economic intelligence consultant. Worked with the United States intelligence community. Specialized in counterintelligence, counter-terrorism, national security strategy and foreign intelligence liaison.