Report  International Exchange  2016.12.27

Ms. Nomi Prins Seminar "Critical Risk: The Lurking Dangers of Global Central Bank Policies, Private Bank Portfolios and the Markets" - Summary of Speech and Q&A

The Canon Institute for Global Studies (CIGS) hosted a seminar on November 14, 2016 inviting Ms. Nomi Prins. This is the summary of speech and Q&A.

Abstract of the Speech
Nomi's global scope of research for her new book, Artisans of Money, has taken her around the world and back in time before the start of the financial crisis, analyzing the interconnectivity of major and minor central bank policies, the extent to which they have shaped economic decisions, and the repercussions of those decisions at both an international and national level. In addition to examining the intricate timeline of associated events, she has been tracing the juxtaposition of political, banking and relationship motivations behind these decisions, as emanating from the United States, and other world regions. She is also analyzing the inherent risk in the world.
(1) How did we get here? Where are we headed? Lessons from the ongoing financial crisis.
(2) What is the Artisanal Money Era with respect to central bank policy and market effects?
(3) The Ten Major Risk Factors:
 a. Unsafe banks and ongoing bank crimes and settlements
 b. Asset bubbles
 c. Debt
 d. Volatility
 e. Economic and Corporate Leverage
 f. Geo-politics
 g. Currency wars
 h. Interest rates
 i. Derivatives.
(4) Solutions for reversing this rising risky tide.
(5) Impact of the US election Results - How will the New White House address these issues/ how will the Federal Reserve act?

→The full text of the summary of speech and Q&A
Critical Risk: The Lurking Dangers of Global Central Bank Policies, Private Bank Portfolios and the MarketsPDF:329KB

→Event report
Ms. Nomi Prins Seminar "Critical Risk: The Lurking Dangers of Global Central Bank Policies, Private Bank Portfolios and the Markets"