Fellow Researchers Profile

Takaya IMAI

Takaya IMAI

Research Director

Special Adviser to the Cabinet

[Research Themes]
Analysis on changes in market and industrial structures arising from decarbonization


  • Energy, Environment and Industrial Policy



1982 BA in Law, the University of Tokyo


2021 Research Director, The Canon Institute for Global Studies
2012 Chief of Staff, Prime Minister's Office (2nd, 3rd, 4th ABE Cabinet)
2011 Director-General, Natural Resources and Energy Policy, METI
2006 Executive Secretary to Priime Minister (1st ABE Cabinet)
2003 Director-General, Japan Machinery Center Brussels Office
1997 Director, Policy Planning, Minister's Secretariat, MITI
1993 Deputy Director, OIL&GAS, Natural Resources Agency, MITI
1988 JETRO Resercher (Graduate School of Political Science, Rice University)
1982 Joined MITI (Natural Resources and Energy Agency)