Ryota WADA

Research Fellow

Project Researcher, University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Frontier Science


  • Ocean Engineering, Ocean Industry Policy



2013 University of Tokyo, PhD in Environmental
2007 University of Tokyo, MA in Engineering
2005 University of Tokyo, BA in Engineering


2010.10 - present Research Fellow, The Canon Institute for Global Studies
2007.4 - 2010.10 Mitsubishi Corporation


  • Wada R. & Waseda T., Confidence Interval of 3 Parameter Weibull Distribution in Extreme Value Estimation, Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, (2014, Publishing)
  • Wada R., Waseda T. & Nanjo H., Nonlinear interaction of the Tsugaru Warm Current and tide in the Tsugaru Strait, Ocean Dynamics (2012) 62:923–941