Event Report Energy and the Environment
October 1, 2018,
- 17:00
Venue: Shin-Maru Building Conference Square, Room 901
Symposium outline
The symposium consists of two parts.
Part 1: Is the science of climate change settled? While there is general agreement that anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases are contributing to global warming, there is still great uncertainty about the magnitude of future warming and its environmental impacts. To understand these uncertainties, we need to make a clear distinction between what is well documented and well understood and what is not.
Part 2: In Europe, as in Japan, numerous policies to mitigate global warming have been adopted and promoted, but many of these policies have failed or are facing growing political criticism. A growing number of European governments are concerned about unilateral targets and policies that have been increasing the cost of energy and threaten to make many industries less competitive. Even in Germany, which used to be a global climate leader, the new coalition government is beginning to roll back the most costly policies. We also discuss the implications of international policy changes on the Paris Agreement and on Japan's plan to cut CO2 emissions by 80% by 2050.