Event Report  Global Economy

Dr. Yamashita gave a lecture on "Policy Recommendations for Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture" at The Japan-US Science Forum in Boston

November 18, 2017
Venue: Room B103, Northwest Bldg., Harvard University

Dr. Kazuhito Yamashita, Research Director of the Canon Institute for Global Studies, was invited by Harvard University, to speak on "Policy Recommendations for Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture" at the Japan-US Science Forum in Boston ~Changing the World through Japan's Scientific Endeavors~ "Food Science for the future: Health, Supply, and Culture" on November 18.

Agenda of the Japan-US Science Forum in Boston
Agenda PDF:238KB

Presentation by Dr. Yamashita
"Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture" PDF:1460KB

Summary of the lecture by Dr. Yamashita
Summary of lecture PDF:79KB