Event Report  International Exchange

CIGS Seminar:"Obama's Foreign Policy: Has He Earned a Second Term?"

January 11, 2012, 14:00 - 16:00
Venue: CIGS Meeting Room 3

Obama's Foreign Policy: Has He Earned a Second Term?(PDF:149KB)

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Seminar's outline
Title: "Obama's Foreign Policy: Has He Earned a Second Term?"
Presenter: Mr. Henry R. Nau
       Professor of Political Science and International Affairs
       Director, U.S-Japan-South Korea Legislative Exchange Program
       (George Washington University)
Moderator: Jun Kurihara, CIGS Research Director

Seminar's abstruct
U.S.-Japan Legislative Exchange Program (LEP) (recently expanded to U.S.-Japan-South Korea Program), with a long history of over 20 years, has held annual meetings in the United States in spring and in Japan in winter. The program has successfully enhanced a deeper understanding on each side over a variety of issues ranging from economic problems including the TPP to national security problems including the Futenma Base problem. After organizing this year's LEP, Dr. Nau will share with the CIGS audience his evaluations of foreign policy of the Obama administration and his views regarding the coming 2012 presidential election.

Presenter's introduction

During the academic year 2011-12 he is the W. Glenn Campbell and Rita Ricardo-Campbell National Fellow and the Susan Louise Dyer Peace National Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. From January 1981 to July 1983, he served on President Reagan's National Security Council as senior staff member responsible for international economic affairs. Among other duties he was the White House sherpa for the Annual G-7 Economic Summits at Ottawa (1981), Versailles (1982), and Williamsburg (1983) and a special summit with developing countries at Cancun, Mexico (1982). Dr. Nau also served, in 1975-1977, as Special Assistant to the Under Secretary for Economic Affairs in the Department of State. In 1977 he received the State Department's Superior Honor Award.

He is a author and co-author of various books and articles including Perspectives on International Relations: Power, Institutions, and Ideas, (CQ Press, 2011; 3rd Edition), At Home Abroad: Identity and Power in American Foreign Policy (Cornell University Press, 2002), also published in Japanese by Yuhikaku Press, 2006;Trade and Security: US Policies at Cross-Purposes (American Enterprise Institute Press, 1995); The Myth of America's Decline: Leading the World Economy into the 1990s (Oxford University Press, 1990; paperback with new preface, 1992), also published in Japanese by TBS Britannica, 1994, and "Ideas Have Consequences: The Cold War and today," International Politics, (July 2011), "No Alternative to 'Isms,'" International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 55, Iss. 2, pp 487-491 (June 2011), "Obama's Foreign Policy: The Swing Away from Bush," Policy Review, No. 160, April/May 2010.