Column  Finance and the Social Security System  2019.06.13

【Aging, safety net and fiscal crisis in Japan】No.193: Fiscal Balance of the Latter-Stage Elderly Medical Care System in 2017

In this column series, Yukihiro Matsuyama, Research Director at CIGS introduces the latest information about aging, safety net and fiscal crisis in Japan with data of international comparison.

In April 2019, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare announced the 2017 fiscal balance of the latter-stage elderly medical care system. The system is a form of public insurance in which elderly people aged 75 or older are obliged to join.

As shown in Table 1, the percentage of premiums paid by seniors aged over 75 to the total revenues was 7.8% in 2017. A major portion of the financial resources comes from taxes and subsidies from the working generation's insurance system. The balance in 2017 was a surplus of JPY 18 billion. As shown in Figure 1, the number of insured elderly continues to increase, reflecting the increasing number of elderly people.

Table 1: Fiscal Balance of the Latter-Stage Elderly Medical Care System     (JPY billion)


Note: The balance after adjustment does not necessarily match because it has been rounded off.
Source: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

Figure 1. Number of insured elderly and per capita benefit


Source: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare